Targa Trophy
HRE Performance Wheels (Vista, CA)
March 19, 2016

The Targa Trophy 2016 season started off in style at HRE’s headquarters in Vista, CA.  The featured marque was German automobiles. And as expected, the many participants brought their finest Audis, BMWs, Mercedes, Porsches and VWs.  But this wasn’t just a rally event for German cars, many high-end and exotics from Ferrari, McLaren, and Rolls Royce attended as well.

This rally isn’t one where participants are necessarily speeding all over public streets to achieve the lowest times.  It is all about the journey from checkpoint to checkpoint.  And what better way to spend a Saturday than with other likeminded car enthusiasts who know how to ride in style as well as make everyone throughout San Diego Country drool as they pass on by.

For more information on their next rally head over to targatrophy.com

Clinton's Gallery

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